Daily Archives: May 25, 2017

Decreeing, praying and manifesting visually, will increase your chances of successful outcome!

Interactive praying, decreeing and manifesting…

I invite you to use the wallpapers as reminders to motivate you to TRIUMPH! Use them not just as backgrounds to your devices, but to post as visionboards, on your bedroom (where you last look before going to sleep) and bathroom mirrors kwhere you apply your makeup or shave), bulletin boards, kitchen, and any place that you look often as behind your computer, ECT.

My decree for US all… 

May we all have the health, strength, wisdom, perseverance, protection, expansive memory, and great vision at all levels to achieve our dreams… May the bold steps we take towards our goals, even those as great leaps of faith, brings us all the satisfaction of very successful endeavors in Perfect Divine Order, In the Most Benevolent, Safe, Prosperous, and Joyful Outcome… 

So mote it blessed be! 


Enlightened Courtesy of


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